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study of the bronchial arteries with special reference to their preservation
during the radical dissection of the upper mediastuinum.. Surgery (119)
p67 - 75
value of peritoneal lavage cytology and chemotherapy during surgery for
advanced gastric cancer. Intnational Surgery (84) p220 - 224
of oral ingestion in patients with inoperable esophageal cancer treated
with radiotherapy, chemotherapy and insertion of a self-expanding nitinol
stent. Disease of Esophagus (12) p289 - 293
II 法胃切除手術の既往のある症例に対する食道切除・再建術。 消化器外科(24), 213 - 218
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5 th World Congress: Anatomical evaluation of possible extent of clearing upper mediastinal lymph nodes
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Paris ユネスコ本部
( International Society for Disease of the Esophagus ). 6 th World Congress: Anatomical study of the bronchial
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dissection of the upper mediastinum lymph nodes. 1996 Millno
7 th World Congress: Imrovement of oral ingestion in patients with inoperable esophageal cancer treated by
radiotherapy chemotherapy and especially insertion of self-expanding
nitiol stent. 1998 Montreal